Cells are what you are made of.
There are two different types of cells: an animal cell and a plant cell.
Basic cell parts | Plant Cell Parts | Ribosomes | Cells Video
What’s the difference between the two?
Plant cells have parts which animal cells do not. We are made of animal cells.

- Cytoplasm: This is the part of the cell where all the chemical reactions take place.
- Nucleus: Controls what chemical reactions happen inside the cell.
- Cell membrane:
- Mitrochondria: All the reactions to do with the animals’ breathing take place here.

Above is a diagram of a plant cell. All plants will have these specific types of cells.
We are now only going to explain the parts that were NOT in the animal cell:
- Cellouse cell wall: An extra layer in order to protect the cell.
- Vacuole: The vacuole does many different jobs, including keeping bad things away from the rest of the cell and getting rid of things that the rest of the cell does not want.
- Chloroplast: This part contains chlorophyll and is also where photosynthesis takes place.
Ribosomes- what are they?
Ribosomes are parts which are in most cells and their job is to connect the amino acids together in the cell. Just like construction workers!

Here is a video explaining the parts of cells in less than three minutes: