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Welcome to the Georgian era, a time of three revolutions, new fashion and fancy houses.
Georgian food
Like many things in Georgian society, what you ate depended on how rich you were.
For rich people, fashion was all about showing off how much money you had. This meant that you wore fancy clothes like suits and fancy dresses.
The corset (shown below) was popular with women during this time, especially at balls. Women wore corsets to make their waists thinner so they could easily attract a potential husband.

Wigs were popular with both men and women during the Georgian era. They were usually white and extravagant, although there were some who dyed theirs in different colours other than white.

Why were wigs popular in the Georgian era?
Wigs were popular in the Georgian era because of a disease called syphilis. Because there weren’t any antibiotics like there are today, those who caught the disease suffered from thinning hair or baldness. This trend started in the 1580s, when wig makers started to be in increasing demand as more people caught syphilis.
What job you had depended on the social class that you were part of and your gender.
If you were a woman, you would usually stay at home to manage the household. Although many working class women worked because their husband didn’t earn enough money to live.
Lower class
If you were in the lower (or working) class, you would have probably been one of the following:
- coal mining
- factory workers (in the later part of the Georgian era)
- construction workers
Middle class
If you were in the middle class, you would have usually been working in one of these jobs:
- clerks
- managers
- (some) miners
Upper class
If you were in the upper class, you would have usually been either a:
- landlord
- factory owner
- military men
One of the things that the Georgians are well-known for is their architectural style. Classical architecture from Ancient Greece was very fashionable.
French Revolution
The French Revolution was when the King and Queen of France were overthrown and executed in 1789.