Ugh! It’s that time of year again! Your beloved summer holidays have come to an end, and now you have to go back to school and start learning… again. Well, going back to school doesn’t always have to be the gloomiest time of the year.


This website is entirely based on helping you with your homework. But, if you’re around 10 or 11 years old, the first pieces of homework you’ll be hit with should be as easy as anything. That’s right: laying sticky back plastic on your books so they’re always protected from spillages and other forms of damage.

If you know how to lay sticky back plastic, do it yourself! Or get a helpful parent, guardian or older sibling to do it for you.


If you haven’t seen or got in touch with your friends this summer, ask them how their summer holiday was. Then, hopefully, they will ask you how your summer was. And even if you have seen them over the long summer months, ask them how their summer was.

Going into Year 7?

If you’re going into your first year of Secondary School, there is additional advice here.


Most teachers won’t overwhelm you with work for the first two weeks back. They’ll probably spend some time trying to get to know you all. This may depend on whether you’re at primary, secondary, middle or high school.