The Internet as we know it is under threat. Net neutrality rules are going to be scrapped in the USA on the 11th June unless Congress vote against it. But exactly what is net neutrality and how does it affect you?

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality means that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) can’t block, slow down or charge for access to any website. In other words: all websites are equal (in terms of speed and access.) It also means that websites don’t need to pay ISPs in order to be accessed on the Internet.

How does it affect me?

Thanks to net neutrality, you have the right to access every website on the Internet, including this one, without me or you having to pay anything extra on top of what you pay to your ISP to get access to the Internet anyway.

What’s happened to change this?

The FCC (the people in charge of regulating communications) have scrapped the rules. This means that ISPs can now block, slow down or charge for access to any website. This means that the Internet would look a lot like cable TV, where you have to pay to watch some channels.

But don’t worry, because there is a vote in Congress on the 11th June. If more than 50% of the senators vote against scrapping net neutrality rules, then the Internet is saved! So, here’s what you can do about it:

What you can do about it

Go to and find your local senator (if you live in the USA) and see where they stand on the issue. If they are red, then tell them why you think net neutrality rules shouldn’t be scrapped. Sign petitions, spread the word on email, Facebook, Twitter, wherever.

To find out more about net neutrality and how you can stop the rules from being scrapped, go to