Autumn is a time where the leaves fall off the trees and animals start to prepare for the long, winter months ahead. If you go into your local woods, you might, just might, see a huge array of yellow, orange, red and brown in your local woods.


If you’re lucky enough you may see some squirrels burying some nuts for the winter. Chances are, the squirrel will forget where they hid them. The seeds would then grow into huge oak trees.

This process usually takes a very long time. It would take at least 50 years to grow into a decent tree.

Food and harvesting

Autumn is a time for harvesting and gathering crops for the winter. Many primary schools usually have celebrations to celebrate this special time of year.

If you going to your local woodland, you could find some blackberries that are ready to pick. You could then use them to make some blackberry pie.

Back to school again… groan!

None of us like going back to school after the long summer break. But we all have to go back sometime.

Imagine this: seeing all your friends again. Ask them how their summer was, and hope they ask you back! For more advice on going back to school, (secondary) click here.

And believe it or not: without school, you wouldn’t have met all the friends you’ve got. It’s true! But to find out more about going back, click the link above.


Autumn is the time where many animals, such as hedgehogs, dormice and bats.

Many hibernating animals feed themselves crazy and gain a lot of weight so that they can sleep comfortably in the winter. This means that they can gain body fat which will keep them warm throughout the winter.